my three moms…

My salon is different here is Des Moines to say the least!  Different does not mean bad, it just means different… cause I love the salon!  For once, it is modern!!!  The past four+ years I’ve been working in salons that are striaght out of the eighties, and I’m glad to be out of that phase!

There are four of us in the shop, and I am the youngest by ten years… and the other two are my mom’s age.  I like to refer to them as my three moms.  Seriously though they are a riot!  There is tons of laughter and quite honestly a lot of good-natured teasing of one another.  I’m so thankful that going to work is definitely fun!

Unfortunately for me though, work is slow going right now.  In part because a large chunk of my clients came in right before the wedding.  Also in part because I’m in a new salon 35 miles south of the old one.  BUT, it is challenging me to get out there and do some recruiting, to find ways to strike up conversations with people, and to get my name out there.

It’s been fun to met new people, and I’m interested to see how my clientele changes.  I have already noticed a bit of difference in the people, though I can’t really put it into words HOW they different, they just are.

It all adds up that I like going to work, but I wish I was busier…. but in the end I still enjoy what I do!

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